Christy Meng - Attendance Secretary
Calling your student in/out of school
If your student is absent from school, or needs to be dismissed for an appointment, please call Attendance as soon as you can to avoid any delay in getting your child. If Attendance does not answer, it's usually because she is on another line or busy with a student/sub/teacher. Please feel free to leave a voicemail message with the following information:
Your student's first and last name(s)
Your name and relationship to the student
Reason for absence or dismissal with time of dismissal
You are also welcome to email Attendance at cmeng@goddardusd.com. Please include an additional secretary to insure your message is seen in the event Christy may be absent. Messages (voicemail or email) are checked regularly.
Student check in/out procedure
Any student arriving/leaving school must check in/out at the Attendance window in the front office. Students must have a written pass from the office in order to leave class and the building.
EHS Attendance Policy
For the complete EHS Attendance Policy as well as our Tardy policy, please refer to the EHS Student Handbook linked below.
See sections 5 and 32.